Thursday 30 July 2009


LOCSP Press Release: Thursday 30 July 2009

Young reporters from Leyton Orient go to White City to learn new skills

Young reporters who are currently learning the skills on the Supporter to Reporter project through the Leyton Orient Community Sports Programme (LOCSP) Education Centre visit the BBC’s digital learning centre in White City last week to be trained on video techniques by the professionals.

The digital learning centre, known as 21CC, has been set up to explore creative ways of using multimedia and new technology in teaching and learning across the curriculum and works with schools and community groups to drive online learning opportunities and to develop a dynamic rolling programme of innovative digital projects whilst drawing on expertise from across the BBC and beyond: from film, radio and music through to web design, digital art and animation.

Split into two groups who visited on consecutive days, the Leyton Orient students attended workshops where they planned their TV news item focusing on current sporting issues.

They learnt camera techniques, how to use the equipment (including video camera and boom) and then went out collecting voxpops – speaking to members of the public and even grabbing expert opinions from Mihir Bose, BBC Sports Editor..

Following this they edited the footage using Final Cut Pro and then used the programme Pro-Animate to create the news studio.

Watch their work here:

BBC 21CC Workshop Day 1 Video:
Programme by Sam, Ben, William, Najaf, Raif, Nishat, Rayhill & Adam

BBC 21CC Workshop Day 2 Video:
Programme by Anthony, Vhai, Kane, Luke, Jordan and Kurtis
For more information about Leyton Orient Community Sports Programme please call 020 8556 5973, email or visit the website at

Notes to Editors

1. To view the Leyton Orient Supporter to Reporter Channel visit this link:



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